Sunday, August 16, 2009

RIJI Green Beginnings

RIJI Green was formed in response to the world's third largest crime - human trafficking / modern-day slavery. The concept of RIJI Green is 5 Ps.

PREVENT slavery through economic empowerment.
PROTECT survivors' dignity and help them
PROSPER with integrity.
PARTNERSHIPS to eradicate slavery
PROFESSIONAL sale representation for survivors' products.

Some people are trafficked due to poverty because of the lack of economic opportunities. RIJI Green is a solution to that problem, however due to the economy, sales are extremely low. Without sales, there is no work for these women, which puts them in danger of not being able to support themselves or their family. These women don't want donations, they want to work.

RIJI Green's logo is an olive branch a symbol of hope. It is also symbolic for growth and prosperity, which is what the survivors will experience in various areas of their lives. We hope you can be a part of this movement to eradicate slavery by purchasing RIJI Green's products to give human trafficking survivors a dignify life and future. Shop RIJI Green and give survivors a chance to succeed in life.